Monday, January 28, 2013

Catholic Woman's Almanac

I want to take a few moment to reflect on things and remember what is truly important.

With these lovely ladies...

Moments of Gratitude

...sweet kisses and hearing the sound of laughter
...temperatures above freezing...
...sunshine on cold winter days...
...finding new recipes that turn out great..
...little boys who love watching movies about Ogres and fairy tale characters...over and over again
...little boys that still love to snuggle and cuddle with their mom
...a warm home that protected us during the cold winter days the past few weeks
...good friends {really and bloggy!}
...having the Holy Spirit always by my side, whether I feel Him or not
...a nebulizer that works well!  I am convinced that this is the *best* invention ever known to man {well at least to mommas with little ones with asthma}  Breathing is very good!
...Re-energizing mentally and spiritually in His Word each and every day,  It keeps me focused on doing His will, not mine.


Beauty in the Ordinary

Nothing prettier than a cardinal in the snow!  Very simple...very pretty!

From the Kitchen

Roasted vegies
Sausage bread
Italian bread
Allergen free brownies
Chocolate chip cookies {almost time to give these up again for Lent}
Spaghetti and meatballs {a family favorite}


 for my family and friends that they will be safe and Christ centered in these times that we live in.  We all live in such a chaotic and relativistic times where everyone seems to have such little time and so much to do that family life takes a back seat at times to the many things that occupy our minds.



How the choices I make are really not totally in my control. 
I need to Let Go and Let God more often. 

"The LORD himself will fight for you; you have only to keep still."
Exodus 14:14~~~


I find myself thinking and planning for the upcoming school year as we begin the new year.  As visions of fun things dance through my mind, the thought that I need more bookshelves comes to mind as well!  Fortunately my husband made me a wonderful bookshelf last year and I hope I can get him to make another ;)


Small Steps for Catholic Moms
For the Childrens Sake

A little bit...each day...just to relax and regroup.


Working on the Apostles and Nicene Creeds with the little ones.



 I already posted this picture last week, but, love it so.


  1. Ann Marie, Praying with you for all our families in these difficult times..
    Love the picture
    Blessings and +

  2. The picture is lovely!

    I love it when new recipes turn out to be winners!

    Have a great week.

  3. Thanks ladies! I hope you both have a great week too :-) So far it is starting off very well!

  4. That my family and friends will be safe and Christ centered in these times... that is my prayer also. I enjoyed this post... love the photos!

  5. Thanks, Nancy! It is nice to see you here again :-) I will keep your family in prayer for peace and safety.

  6. Beautiful photos! Visiting from Suscipio...wonderful blog!

  7. I love both the cardinal and the last photo. Beautiful!
    Blessings, Annie

  8. Oh i love the verse from Exodus! It goes with what LuAnne wrote about today in the reflection. Cut and paste for sure! What a cute little fat cardinal. I think they are so pretty. We don't have them here. My mom sees them in VA sometimes. Small steps for Catholic Moms...I must look into this one! Glad to have visited your blog. I am trying to do that see all you ladies and get out of my own head! lol!

  9. Oh I am so glad everyone enjoyed the photos as much as I did :-) Samantha, I just happened upon that verse from Exodus last week and it really speaks to me! You will love the book. It is wonderful daily devotional. Hope to see you again soon.
